At Lighthouse Kids Company giving back to our community is a huge part of our ethos. We believe in giving back to our cloth diapering community, with the intent of making cloth diapering accessible to all families. We know that 1 in 3 Families in the United States struggles with diaper need. Through our Be The Light Project, we sponsor one family per month with everything they need to cloth diaper from birth to potty training. This means they never have to worry about purchasing diapers ever again, and they can save their stash for any subsequent children!
Meet the 2022 sponsored families:
May 2022 - Teresa
My husband and I just want to do everything possible for this new addition to our family. These last few years have been very difficult for the both of us, losing family members left and right, those who showed us unconditional love when they had no moral obligation to do so. Going from hard times becoming homeless at the beginning of our relationship to finally having a space for our little family with the help from family who isn't connected by blood but still willing to do whatever they could for this little one coming into all our lives this month. Financially we are nowhere close to being stable but with all the love our family has shown to help us we are richer than most. You have now found a place in our heart as part of our family because any little help in this journey plays a bigger part in our lives than you can think. Thanks to the program "be the light" you have given us an opportunity to financially lift some weight off our shoulders. We have talked about cloth diapering since before getting pregnant and it was one thing that we really wanted to fight for. So many beautiful things are slowly disappearing from this earth. Thank you for helping us contribute our part to keeping it beautiful.
April 2022 - Elisa
After a devastating miscarriage, my husband and I are expecting our rainbow baby this summer! We also have a one and a half-year-old baby at home, so we will have two little ones in diapers at the same time. In these uncertain economic times we’re trying hard to figure out how to care for our family on a very tight budget. Cloth diapers are a total answer to our prayers. We also love cloth diapers because they are more sustainable and gentler on baby’s sensitive skin. We are beyond grateful to Lighthouse Kids for blessing us with their incredible cloth diapers!
March 2022 - Sarah
We are a young, one-income foster family. We have been really struggling with the rising cost of living and raising six kids. Diaper prices are through the roof! A stash of cloth diapers will be a huge sense of security and we will no longer worry about skipping a bill to purchase diapers. They will also eliminate rashes for our baby's sensitive skin. We can't even begin to express our appreciation!
February 2022 - Ashley

January 2022 -Lily
"After finding out I was pregnant with twins at eighteen, I immediately began to stress about how I was going to afford to be able to give them everything I wanted for them. I was not prepared for one baby much less two- but I am extremely blessed! I am currently trying to find the best options for me! I have always tried to be environmentally conscious, and I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to be able to cloth diaper my babies."