Cloth diapers offer several advantages over disposables. They are environmentally friendly, reduce waste, and can be more cost-effective in the long run. Cloth diapers also come in various styles and...
Learn about cloth diapers
Giving Back - Be The Light Project
Lighthouse Kids Company is a small business that wants to leave the world better than we found it. Through cloth-diapering, waste reduction and adopting natural...
Why LKC Cloth Diapers are the best choice for baby
So you've reached the end of the internet researching cloth diapers. Trust me, I get it. When I started cloth diapering I was so confused...
Cloth Diapering and Sensitive Skin
It is a universal truth that babies are born with naturally sensitive skin, and there are some with skin problems that require even more care,...
Does Cloth Diapering Really Save Money?
So, we all know having kids can be/get expensive. Depending on your family’s situation there can be daycare costs, formula costs, toys, clothes, and as...
How to Wash Cloth Diapers
Even new diapers need to be washed. Before you use it, it's important to wash and dry at least once. Most diapers are fully prepped...
Get A Great Fit with Cloth Diapers
We get asked this question alot. How do I get a great slim fit with my cloth diapers? Our design team worked really hard to...
Can you Wash Cloth Diapers in Cold Water?
Washing Cloth Diapers in Cold Water Let's chat about washing dirty cloth diapers in cold water. One of our friends on TikTok posed this question: ...
Of Earth and Flight Cloth Diaper Collection Release
Tomorrow Lighthouse Kids Company is releasing our new collection of gorgeous cloth diapers. I am so excited for this release, I don't even know how to...
Troubleshooting Cloth Diaper Issues
Having issues with your cloth diapers? Here are some of the topics that can help you solve some of the most complicated cloth diapering issues...